Well last term was huge. We enjoyed learning all about animals and their habitats and then we went to the Zoo which was a chance for us to sleepover as a group and meet the animals and observe their habitats. We got to look inside the Zoo, the zoo kitchen and learn about where all the animals got their food from. It was awesome! We got to feed the giraffes which was amazing. We had great parent support and help on this trip so thanks to all those parents. The sleepover was so fun!
We had our run, jump throw in the last week of term and this was a great day too.
Phew and luckily we had a holiday after this super busy term.
This Term- For our Integrated unit in Term Two we will be looking at Famous New Zealand people, people in our community, local heroes and looking at how and why these individuals have made a difference to us, our community and our country.
Our reading programme will be looking at deeper reading skills, comprehension skills and looking at strategies that help us research for information that is relevant to current studies.
Our genre focus is Report writing and we will look at the process of writing reports. We will continue with our diary writing also throughout the year. We are learning to rework and edit our own work too so we are going to be busy.
Our Maths focus is Multiplication and Division so that will be the focus for our homework this term. The children will bring their notebook home each Monday with a times table to learn in the back. Skip counting forwards and backwards, rote learning and then knowing the sums out of order is what we are working towards. I will add some websites to the blog to help the children learn at home too. For reading- 10-20 minutes a night- four nights per week and please keep a record of the books being read in their notebooks. The children can write up their titles and if parents can sign these notebooks for both maths and reading that would be fabulous!
PE will see us preparing for the Cross Country, looking at some winter sports and participating and learning through our gym fun programme. Cross Country- Week 6- Wednesday (26/05) pp Friday (28/05).
In the Arts we will be looking at NZ Artists- Stu Duval will be coming to the school and we will be have workshops with him before we have a full school session with him. There will be a cost of $3.50 per child for these workshops. A note will come home about this though. We have the Cultural Concert Week 10- Wednesday 23rd June at 6.30pm.
We are looking forward to a fun, successful and exciting term. Remember to send along a warm layer for the children as the colder weather comes.
Assemblies this term are Week 3, 8 & 11.