Hello There,
A long time since the last post.
Poetry through the Arts is our topic. We have had some poets to visit. Who were these two people and what are the poems they've written? Focus points for the term.
We have been to Pataka and looked at collaborative art. We are going to Te Papa in Week 9 on Wednesday 15th September. Keep up with your reading and maths at home 4 nights a week. Any extra is a bonus. Keep the home learning challenges coming in. We love hearing about these and seeing what you've been doing.
PE- so far we've had folk dancing and we are currently doing Gymfun. Wear appropriate clothing for this please.
It has been lovely to catch up with parents and families about what's been happening so far this year during student/ parent/ teacher conferences.
The poems that have been written in class are fabulous and the children would love to share these with you so come in and have a read sometime.
Newsletter comes out every Thursday so if you don't get it given to you have a hunt through the bags and you'll be sure to find it.
Happy Term Three!!!
Senior production in Week 10- we can't wait to watch this one.